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User Experience & Design

Human Ressources Reimagined.

In a nutshell

Revvy. is a US-based professional social network envisioned to disrupt the
recruitment market. Meant for younger
generations entering the job market, this
application allows candidates to present themselves in form of short, professional videos. The platform consists of two parts — a mobile application for professionals and a web application for recruiters.

Revvy. Business Challenge

Knowing that they would need an “A-level design” and outstanding
usability to succeed on the market, the Revvy. team was looking for a partner with expertise in UX & UI design and excellent references. Parkside Interactive met all the criteria and helped Revvy. to build up an agile design process, pushed & challenged essential product decisions, created a design system and design language, defined and carried out user research, and last but not least, handed off all deliverables in time.

Red Dot Design Award Winner

reddot design award logo.png
With the Revvy. project Parkside Interactive has won the Red Dot Award 2022 in the Design Concept category. The Red Dot Award is an international design competition for product design, communication design and design concepts.

Project overiew


04/2021 – 12/2021

Team setup

3 UX designer & researcher, 1 UX writer, 1 UI designer, 1 product owner (intermittently)


Figma (design), Miro (workshops), UserBrain & Maze (user research), Frontitude/Ditto (UX writing plugins), Premiere Pro & After Effects (video editing)


Design sprint workshop, conception & consulting, UX design, UI design, user research, UX writing, creation of pitch decks & promotional video

About Revvy.

Revvy. is a recruitment platform and social network for professionals. It aims to bypass the traditional & largely outdated application/hiring process and reinvent it by using video technology and artificial intelligence (AI). Meant for new generations entering the job market, this application allows candidates to present themselves in form of short, professional videos. In this way they can build their personal brand and as a result, go through the application processes that are more specific and personalized. An AI-powered algorithm matches candidates with relevant job opportunities and does the initial screening with the help of “Hubble”, an integrated chatbot.

Mobile app features (candidate side)


Video creation

Creating, editing & uploading professional videos

User profile

Personal and professional development timeline in form of a video; privacy settings

Job orbit

Discovery of new and relevant job opportunities in a video format

Video feed

Videos of people within and outside of your professional social network


Enter the interview stage via Hubble, integrated recruitment chatbot

Chat function

Enables users to chat with recruiters & peers

Website features (recruiter side)


Hiring dashboard with 2-step job opportunity creation

Candidate discovery and AI-powered candidate matching

Automated candidate screening and interview scheduling via Hubble (our chatbot)

Candidate profile cards and company social profile

User management

Advanced recruitment analytics

Challenges & objectives

The design process involved over 10 experts from three different companies, four countries, and just as many time zones.
In order to transfer the knowledge between the companies and implement decisions with full commitment, it was essential to define clear processes and optimize them permanently during the various project phases. For that, we leveraged our experience in setting up agile processes and working with multiple teams in different time zones. In that way we helped the whole team continuously improve their operations and communication.

Given that we had 6 designers working on the same platform, we also had to pay special attention to keeping our designs consistent and establishing regular design review sessions to keep everyone in the team on the same page.

Consequently, we had to build an agile process to ensure that all product decisions were made efficiently and in time. Among other things, we had to make sure to include every person on the team (regardless of their time zone) and document decisions to create a single source of truth for our concepts.

On the product level, our two main challenges were designing a frictionless recruitment process and making the process as inclusive as possible. In order to overcome those challenges, we had to ask ourselves:


How can we make the hiring process as frictionless as possible?

What information do we gather from candidates, and how do we present it to recruiters?

How can we encourage users to create and upload videos to the platform?

Based on which parameters does the AI match candidates to job opportunities?

How do we integrate a chatbot into the hiring process?
What personality should the chatbot have, and how should it interact with the candidates?

How can we reduce discrimination in the recruitment process?

Our solution

To answer design-related questions, we relied on a robust user research plan. Our primary research goals were to find usability issues as early as possible and understand how to build a frictionless recruitment process. We created user tests to validate our UX approach before proceeding with UI and presented the outcomes to our client to foster more transparency.

To ensure that sensitive topics, such as inclusion and diversity, are adequately addressed, we brought our UX writer and inclusion expert on board. Apart from introducing pronouns as part of the user onboarding, she also ensured that the entire product’s copy was consistent, clear, unique, and accessible.

What we achieved

Troughout this exciting and challenging project we managed to:


Create an easy-to-use mobile app and recruitment web platform

Support client in defining an agile design process

Challenge and push important product decisions

Implement a research plan (usability tests & user interviews)

Establish a cohesive design system and consistent product language

End results

We handed off complete designs and prototypes for the app (iOS) and the web application, accompanied by user insights acquired through user research. To assure consistency across the entire product, both in language and design, we built up an atomic design system, defined interactions pattern, and created a UX writing guide. Additionally, we made pitch decks and a promotional video for Revvy.