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Quality Assurance

For Software That Stands the Test of Time

To increase ROI and ensure that your software products fully meet the expectations, we implement QA process right at the beginning of development.

Photo of 2 Parkside developers working on quality assurance projects, page header

In a nutshell

At Parkside, we strive for the highest possible quality of all digital products we develop. Quality assurance & test automation are essential in achieving this goal and are, therefore, continuously enforced during all stages of the product development.

Why is this relevant

Our software testers work closely with the developers and are incorporated into the process as early as possible. This ensures not only faster and more efficient development but also an overall increase in quality. Within the process, we point out solutions that meet your business needs. Instead of just creating technical reports, we’re reducing costs and increaseing your product’s ROI.

Our service offering

Next level software development for secure, modern, functional and beautiful digital products and services


What is quality assurance

Why is QA important

Benefits of QA

Our QA services

Functional and non-functional testing

Test automation

Test management

Our QA packagges

Prevention package

Emergency package

Manual QA slimming package

What is quality assurance?

Quality assurance or QA is a way of maintaining a high standard for our internal processes as well as the software we develop for our clients. Among other things, our QA team tests new features as soon as they are made ready by our developers. They examine the feature and its exact functionality and create extensive test reports detailing existing issues and bugs that must be addressed by design or development.

Why is QA important?

Quality assurance helps us to provide our customers with the best possible software. A high-quality software product or service ensures not only a great user experience and performance, it also builds the trust a user has in our client’s software or product and their company in general.
quality assurance infographic

How can early involvement of QA speed up the development of your software product or service?

In the past, software testers were often only involved in a last step before the release. The result of that was that major issues and bugs, when detected, could cause delays and additional costs or even be overlooked due to an inordinate amount of workload and time pressure for the testers.Nowadays, the value of early and continuous testing throughout the development cycle is more and more recognized and something we heavily promote at Parkside. The earlier an issue is detected, the less time it costs to fix it. Therefore, Quality Assurance in a software project not only increases the overall quality of the finished software — it can also prevent delays and late-in-the-game changes as well as save costs on development.

Our QA services

Whether mobile or web development, our dedicated QA team is experienced in a wide range of testing tools, technologies and strategies.

Functional and non-functional testing

Our team of manual and automation testers works together to make sure that the quality of your software is up to high standards and that all your requirements are met. This covers functional testing, which ensures that your software works as it is supposed to, and your requirements are met, as well as non-functional testing focusing on smooth user experience beyond functionality (e.g. design, performance, etc.).

Test automation

Test automation is a fast and reliable technique to test software on a regular basis. While manual testing is still an important part of our QA processes, automated tests can be used to cover the most important and repeatable flows as well as complex scenarios in your software, which usually eat too much time to be done manually. This allows us to discover issues during implementation and before anyone else does.

Test management

For bigger projects, especially those involving sensitive data, we need to be able to react swiftly to possible changes and issues. That’s why we offer test management. Test management tracks all requirements, use cases and correlating test cases so that the status of the quality of the product can be determined at any given moment and issues can be traced back to their cause quickly and easily while keeping costs in check.

Our QA packages


Prevention package

Prevention and preparation are the best ways to avert a disaster. To do this, you need a strong implementation plan, a clear test scope with priorities, coupled with a reliable process and communication strategy. With this package you stay lean, we implement test automation from day 1.

Emergency package

We provide first aid with bottleneck analysis, prioritization and an achievable action plan to revive your project patient. Besides that, we can get your process and defect management on track to reduce errors and production disruptions and achieve your business goals with minimal disruption. In case of emergency, we extinguish the critical fires with the right methods and eliminate redundancies with intelligent test management for a permanently controlled situation.

Manual QA slimming package

Losing ballast in your QA process has never been easier. You move to test automation in the fastest way possible while we do the heavy lifting for you.

Want to work with us?

Great digital products and services require
detailed research and development.
Let’s talk about your needs.

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