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Accessibility and Inclusive Design

For software that is usable and inclusive for everyone

With approximately one in every six people living with some kind of disability, having an inaccessible software or digital product means missing out on a substantial amount of users. Leverage our accessibility services to identify and address accessibility barriers in your existing digital products and to ensure they comply with relevant standards and regulations while providing a positive user experience for everyone.

In a nutshell

The days when software only needed to look fancy are long gone. Today, not only users but also regulatory authorities demand more than just a pretty interface – they demand software that caters to various needs and (dis)abilities. To deliver digital products that are accessible to everyone and ensure that they comply with the European Accessibility Act (entering into force in 2025), we combine technical expertise with a deep understanding of diverse user needs and behaviors.

Topic overview and our service offering

Various accessibility packages for functional, accessible and inclusive digital products and services

What is accessibility in software development?

Accessibility in software development refers to the practice of creating software that can be used by people with diverse disabilities, including those with visual, auditory, motor, or cognitive impairments. This encompasses various aspects, such as:

Keyboard navigation

Users should be able to navigate the software using only a keyboard.

Color contrast

Color combinations should be high contrast to ensure readability for users with visual impairments.

Alternative text

Images and other non-text content should have alternative text descriptions for screen readers.

Screen reader compatibility

The software should be compatible with screen readers used by visually impaired users.

Clear instructions and labels

Instructions and labels should be clear and easy to understand for users with cognitive impairments.

And many more to consider

These are just some of the main guidelines, but there are many more you should consider.

Around 11 million people in the DACH region live with a permanent disability

people in Austria
people in Germany
people in Switzerland

Accessibility vs. inclusive design

Accessibility focuses on making products and services usable for people no matter of their degree of abilities. It involves implementing specific design and development practices to overcome barriers that might prevent some users from accessing content or functionalities. Various guidelines such as the Web Content Accesssibility Guidelines (WCAG) can be used to test a product for accessibility. Accessibility is an essential aspect of inclusive design.

Inclusive design is about considering the full range of human diversity and ensuring that everyone has an equal opportunity to use and benefit from a product or service. It´s about creating products and services that are usable and appealing to as many people as possible, regardless of their age, gender, language skills, or any other differentiating factors, including disabilities.

How is accessibility relevant for you and your business?


Reach a wider audience

Expand your user base by making your software accessible to people with disabilities, who represent a significant portion of the population.

Avoid legal risks

Accessibility standards are increasingly becoming legal requirements, and non-compliance can lead to fines and penalties.

Future-proof software

Investing in accessibility now ensures your software remains relevant and compliant as standards evolve.

Our accessibility packages

Accessibility Review

In-depth analysis. Our accessibility expert conducts a comprehensive review of your software. We deliver a comprehensive report outlining identified issues, explanations, and high-level recommendations.

Accessibility Optimization

We address identified accessibility flaws by creating accessible solutions. Our experts create user-friendly and inclusive designs that meet relevant standards. Here we can also help you with implementation and quality assurance services.

Accessibility Certification

Achieve compliance. We guide you through the process of obtaining accessibility certification for your software. Ensure your solution meets the WCAG 2.1 AA standard required by the European Accessibility Act (which shall enter into force on 28.06.2025) and avoid legal implications.

Benefits of accessible digital products

By investing in accessibility, you create a more inclusive and user-friendly experience for everyone,
while also mitigating legal risks and expanding your potential market.


Ethics and inclusion

Everyone deserves equal access to technology and information. Accessibility ensures that people with disabilities are not excluded from using your software.

Business growth & brand reputation

A wider user base leads to increased market share and potential revenue growth. Demonstrating commitment to accessibility enhances your brand image and builds trust with your audience.

Legal compliance

Many regions have laws and regulations requiring websites and software to be accessible.

Improved user experience

Accessible design principles benefit everyone, not just users with disabilities, by creating a more intuitive and user-friendly experience for all.

Why choose Parkside?

— Experienced team: Our team of accessibility experts possesses deep knowledge and expertise in various technologies and accessibility best practices.

— User-centric approach: We prioritize user experience and inclusion in everything we do.

— Agile and collaborative: We work closely with you to understand your needs and tailor our services accordingly.

— Future-proof solutions: We create accessible solutions that comply with evolving standards and regulations.

— Support with getting the accessibility certification: Our experts know which guidelines exactly you need to follow and how to apply them in order to fulfil required accessibility standards.

Ready to make your software accessible?

Accessible digital products and services require deep understanding of user needs, legal regulations and design features. Book a free consultation and let’s discuss your specific use case.

Contact us