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Visual Design

The Impact of Design Systems, Digital Branding and UI Design on Digital Products

Visual design impacts the success of digital products in today’s highly competitive market. Leverage our service offering to make your product visually more attractive, unique, credible, memorable and, in the end, more human.

In a nutshell

In the ever-changing digital landscape, standing out, in both terms of quality and uniqueness, has become imperative.
If a product is not memorable, it fails to grab attention. If it doesn’t meet certain standards of usability, it fails to entice users to come back. This is why visual design (together with UX design and flawless technical implementation) is crucial for the product’s success.

What is visual design and why is it so important?

Visual design is what your users see and feel about your brand. Through a combination of various design elements (font, color and shape) and design principles (contrast, balance, dominance, hierarchy, etc.) we make your product’s interface reflect your brand perfectly and create visuals that make a connection and impact. Having three main pillars of visual design — digital branding, UI design and design systems — professionally created and implemented ensures consistency in your visual communication. This results in improved brand image, an increase in perceived credibility and an overall better (first) impression of your product and company.

Design systems

In organizations with multiple products, maintaining design and visual consistency across products is an ongoing effort.

Without clear and consistent guidelines, the development of new features or products is challenging, often resulting in legacy products with inconsistent branding and an outdated visual appearance and usability.  Design systems solve this problem by providing a clear and organized set of standards to manage design at scale, allowing for growth and a consistent brand expression.

Digital branding

Digital branding is the process of establishing a corporate identity that can be expressed in digital channels, such as websites, mobile apps, social media, digital marketing, etc.

Digital branding is about telling your brand’s story and making it visible in the increasingly-saturated digital space. The goal of digital branding is not necessarily driving sales, but enhancing the awareness, image and style of your brand, which will indirectly lead to improved KPIs and better customer retention.

User Interface Design

User interface (UI) design is the human-first approach used to build interfaces focusing on style and interactivity. It is the stylistic appearance of a product, i.e., the way in which colors, typography, and images of a design come into play with the brand.

The word “interface” refers to the access point where a user interacts with an application, a website, or a device. A UI designer visually depicts the interactions a user has with a product to build an interface that best adapts to the user’s needs. Since these elements affect the interface usability, they must be planned accordingly.

The impact of visual design on the success of a digital product


Favourable impression of a product

First impressions are important, especially in the digital space, where so many products are competing for the attention of potential users. The appearance of a website or an app is the very first thing any brand is judged on.

Increased perceived credibility

According to the Stanford Credibility Project, nearly half of all users make assumptions about the credibility of a website based on its visual design. The better the design, the more credible they perceive the website to be.

Improved brand image & recognition

Choosing the right visual language and consistency in visual design, in general, have a positive impact on building a brand image. Brand voice is better conveyed and more easily remembered, resulting in greater business success and improved KPIs.

Parkside Interactive®

This is where custom development and design begins.
Next level digital delivery and success is where it ends.


On a final note

In today’s highly competitive and extremely visual world you only get one chance to make a first impression. Use this chance to your advantage by making your digital product as user-friendly and visually appealing as possible. Leverage our expertise to easily achieve consistent, attractive, memorable and human-centered visual design across all platforms and touchpoints.

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